Tuesday, December 30, 2014

What would a world without money be like?

By KC Yee, K C Yee is a Microwave Researcher
K C Yee

Without money, we would have to go back barter system, because it is highly inefficient, there will be a lot productive remain unused.

we will live on much less material, much less technology, less health care

on the positive side, there will be less depletion of earth's natural resources, there would NOT be weapons of mass destruction,

But the phrase "money is the root of all evil" would basically remain, changing to something like "desire is the root all evil", because human desire and evil don't  go away in a money-less society.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

What images will change a person sees the world after viewing them?

K C Yee

What images will change the way a person sees the world after viewing them?

Bullet riddled these apartment buildings in the gaza strip:

An indigenous woman holds her child while trying to resist the advance of Amazonas state policemen in Manaus who have been sent to evict natives.

During a raid at a Miami home in 2000, armed federal agents confront Elian Gonzalez, 6, and one of the men who helped rescue the boy.

A heart-wrenching picture of a mother and child at an an emergency feeding centre in in Tahoua, Niger

A man jumping from the World Trade Center during the 2001 terrorist attacks. It's believed that upwards of 200 people fell or jumped to their deaths after the planes hit the towers to save themselves.Guess the plight and fate of people up there on that day.

Lesleigh Coyer, 25, of Saginaw, Michigan, lies down in front of the grave of her brother, Ryan, who served with the U.S. Army in both Iraq and Afghanistan

People gather water from a huge well in the village of Natwarghad in the western Indian state of Gujarat.

U.S. Navy Hospital Corpsman HM1 Richard Barnett, assigned to the 1st Marine Division, holds a child after she was separated from her family during a firefight

The first waves of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, which killed over 200,000 people, hit the shore.

On a brighter side:

The US rover, Curiosity, takes a selfie on Mars:

Kiki, age 7, is pulled from the ruins left by the Haiti earthquake and into the arms of his mother

Elite runner Jaqueline Kiplimo helps a disabled Chinese athlete drink during the 2010 Zheng-Kai marathon. She stayed with him for several miles, costing her the 1st place finish and the $10000 prize

A Poor lady with a heart bigger than millionaires...

and this one:

A fireman rescues a koala during Australian bushfires.

Images Courtesy: Distractify and CNN.

Carrots and Blood Sugar

KC Yee wrote this • 
Dr K C Yee
 KC Yee, K C Yee is a Microwave, Antibo... (more)
From my personal experience, Carrots are not good for diabetics, after i had maybe 4 mid size carrots a day for about a week or so, my fasting glucose level went from 120s to 140s.

Other people experience maybe different, but for me, carrots are no longer in my diet (due to my diabetic condition).

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Fat Chance: Fructose 2.0

Dr. K C YeeDr K C Yee liked this Video from University of California Television (UCTV), very educational video about Sugar and Fructose.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Why does Zimbabwe use the US dollar

Answer by KC Yee:

K C Yee

one reason is that Zimbabwe does not want live under the same momentary system as South Africa, Otherwise Zimbabwe would live at the mercy of South Africa Central Bank.
Why does Zimbabwe use the US dollar instead of the South African rand? Surely it would be easier to trade with its nearest and largest ma…

Friday, November 21, 2014

K C Yee comment on fancy asian restaurants

Street Food In Asia

K C Yee

in Southeast Asia ,the worst place to have a good tasting meal is at beautiful fancy restaurants. The wait staff are dressed very nicely and offer you scented towels to wash off the hot Asian day. In the kitchen, the managing chef, most likely a young or mid-aged European, had decided and taken steps to reinventing Asian food for Asians and visiting westerners alike, by adding modern twists, fancy plates and candle light on a white table cloth.
The price you pay by going to these fancy restaurants are much more than the astronomical check at the end, you are also missing out on the real Asian Food on the streets of Asia at the fraction of the cost eating at fancy restaurants.
K C Yee

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

How does microwave oven work?


K C Yee
by K C Yee 

The microwave oven principle is quite simple, each microwave oven a magnetron, which generates alternating power field, The water molecule, or any polar molecule within the food will vibrate with the power filed and generate heat. so all polar molecules, not only water, but also amino acids, lipids and proteins - will vibrate and are forced to align themselves with the rapidly changing alternating electrical field. 

The vibrating frequency is the microwave frequency, typically about 2.4  billion times per second, which your cell phone or your home wifi also works around this frequency range.

The phenomenon of microwave heating caused by microwaves was discovered in 1946, and the first microwave oven was built in the 1950s by the Raytheon copmany.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Japanese Street Food vs. Thai Street Food

When walking on the streets of Japan, once a while, one would come across a few street vendor carts.

K C yee likes Sushi
While in the streets of Bangkok, one would see street food vendor carts at almost every street corner or sidewalk. 

K C Yee likes Thai Street Food
Japanese Street Foods are clean, sushi type, while Bangkok Street Food are Spicy and colorful.  K C Yee likes both, the best combination would to have both in the same city, but Japan and Thailand is far apart, 4 hours by flight.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

K C Yee talking about street food in Asia

K C Yee
K C Yee visited a number of Asia countries in the past 20 years, from southeast Asia like Vietnam, to south Asia countries Singapore and Indonesia, and from Far East countries such as Japan to near east countries like India.

Most of these trips were for business, but still K C Yee were able to find time to do some sight-seeings and enjoy local food and culture.

The best kind of food in Asia (outside of Japan) can be had in the form of street food.  This is specially true in south Asia, or wherever the climate is hot.
